Shipping Worldwide Free Domestic Shipping

Shipping Guide

Shipping Guide

We offer free shipping on all our products throughout India! Usually, orders are dispatched within 3-10 working days of the customer placing the order. We deliver the order within 7-10 working days.

However, other factors such as colour customisation or unusual circumstances may lead to delays beyond the specified period. In case of delay (product not dispatched within the estimated period), you can contact us.

To ensure that the order reaches you in a good condition, in the shortest span of time, we ship through reputed logistics companies.



  • We offer free shipping for deliveries in India for all prepaid orders and all taxes and duties are included in the price of the product listed on the website.
  • However, we do not offer cash on deliveries (COD).  You can track your order details via text, WhatsApp and email ids.



  • For International deliveries, Label Hridya offers free shipping on orders above Rs. 60,000/-
  • For International deliveries, the shipping cost is calculated at the time of placing the order depending on the value, weight and volume of the products purchased. With the estimated delivery date provided for your order at the time of placing the order, you will also be sent an order confirmation email.
  • We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays and/or on nationally observed holidays. Once shipped, you will receive a shipment confirmation email with a tracking number.
  • If you receive a package which is damaged, please do not accept the courier.


Note: The shipping charges do not include import duty(s) or customs charges/liability. Please read our tax-related T&Cs. Before your parcel leaves our warehouse, it is fully checked by our quality control team.



  • Delivery Time for your order starts from the date of Order Confirmation.
  • Ready-to-ship orders take up to 72 hours to process. Once shipped, you will receive a shipment confirmation email with a tracking number. If you’ve purchased multiple products in an order, your order can have multiple shipment dates which will be confirmed to you in Order Confirmation emails.
  • Orders are shipped as per the delivery date given on the item page. Once your order is dispatched, delivery usually takes 7-10 working days in India.
  • We will keep you updated with tracking information and estimated delivery date.
  • We make sure each order is fulfilled on time. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, it’s possible that a designer may not be able to produce your order piece. In such cases, you will be offered an alternate option/store credit / full refund.
  • At times orders can get delayed for reasons outside of our control. If your order is delayed beyond 2 weeks of the estimated Delivery Time for some unforeseen reasons, we will get in touch with you to check if you would still like to continue with your order. For further details on Shipping, please see our Terms of Use.



Payment Security

At Label Hridya, your personal online security is important to us. We use the latest SSL encryption technology to store and safely transmit your personal and credit card information through our systems.  All orders are processed through a secure checkout system. The payments would be accepted on Razorpay. Additionally, for your safety and protection, we will confirm that the billing address you provide matches the address on file with your credit card company. You may also choose to securely store your credit card details with us. This means you will not have to enter them again during future purchases, making it quicker and simpler to shop at LABEL HRIDYA. Please be assured that your personal information is kept private and confidential.

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Shade Card For Dyeing